  • 系统大小:11.21 kW.
  • 年度系统输出:19200千瓦时
  • 联邦税收激励:有资格以8,000美元的美国联邦税收抵免
  • 每千瓦时的公用事业价格:随着使用时间而变化


证明你的怀疑者是错的感觉很棒。只需问我们的五月安装的月接收者,汤姆m !他安装了自己的DIY系统,价格比其他太阳能公司希望向他收取的费用低了两倍半。现在,他从电力公司不断上涨的电价中解脱了出来。




Tom联系了Unbound Solar的w锦州韦德国际健身ill,他也是新墨西哥州居民,熟悉当地法规。得到设备9天后,汤姆安装了自己的太阳能光伏系统。








最困难的部分是通过城市获得适当的许可证。建筑许可证只是一笔钱,但电力许可证要求我按照NEC 2014的规定通过城市电力测试,才能允许我在私人住宅上工作。我也被要求获得屋顶许可证由于类型的安装,我执行。HOA也只提供了一个有条件的批准,因为他们觉得不可能自动安装满足他们的要求。然而,它超过了他们的标准,得到了所有邻居的称赞。











在选择Unbound Solar之前,你还考虑了谁?锦州韦德国际健身








  • 承包商的费用:没有任何
  • 电工成本:没有任何
  • 安装总时间:9小时
  • 每年千瓦时设计产量:19200千瓦时
  • 联邦税收激励:有资格以8,000美元的美国联邦税收抵免
  • 每千瓦时的公用事业价格:变化:不同的价格计划选项和TOU价格到位
  • 平均每月公用事业费用:变化:不同的价格计划选项和TOU价格到位






我们遇到了并发症。电力公司有局限性,该市规定我们的系统不能大于10kW网格绑定系统,我们的房主协会表示,面板必须平行安装在屋顶内,并在4英寸范围内。现有的屋顶。我们也应该在屋顶上露出一英尺的导管,并且应该在我们家外面安装有限的附加设备。在进行一些测量后,他们会回到我们32,000美元的报价,以获得完全安装和完成的系统。我们还被告知NUSENDA信贷工会是我们领域唯一提供太阳能贷款的金融机构。当这种切削刃技术正确完成时,令人耳目一新,认为他们看到了这种切削刃技术的潜在和返回投资。但是,我们不需要这项服务,因为我们选择了支付现金。我们的投资回报将立即为我们。我们签订了太阳能公司的合同,然后来了更改订单和补充。 Because we were splitting the arrays between two buildings, they wanted to charge almost $5,000 for trenching and putting conduit in the ground. Additionally, the 75 foot run between buildings would cost almost $500 dollars for the two 10 gauge DC wires to be connected to the system. We were told that they would be unable to tie into the existing power panel, as it would need to be upgraded to a 200 Amp service. Our service at the time was 100 Amps. Finally, they said that they would need to outsource any roof issues to a roofing company. The system that they designed for us would be 14 panels that would be pointed due south on the workshop, and 20 panels that would face due west on the house. The workshop was one string, and the house would have two strings of 10 each. In the garage, we installed two SMA grid tie inverters. By having 3.8k for the workshop, and 6k for the house, we would be below the 10k maximum imposed by the power company. We originally had wanted a system that was enough for our total needs. When we showed them a one line drawing of how we wanted the system, they said they couldn’t do it that way because it would take too much effort to install and be cost prohibitive. I was sensing that we didn’t fit into their cookie cutter design and that they may not have installers that were skilled for this type of work. As the customer, we wanted it our way and were willing to pay the cost differential. After consulting with their designers, managers and technicians for 6 months of design, they gave us a new estimate for almost $52,000. Imagine the look on our faces when we saw the new cost and the return of investment changing to about 15 to 17 years. We politely asked them to leave after deciding it was time to pull the plug due to the cost and inability to work to our specifications.





现在到了好的部分......我们再次联系,他仍然有原始规格。随着一些变化,我们最终完成了订单。3周内,我们收到了我们的货物。在这三周内,我们订购了我们的自定义安装所需的所有其他项目,并且我也开始了许可流程。几周我们将收到包含重型开关,电线,断路器,导管,接地凸耳,标签,屋顶闪光和防水盒的套餐,来自UPS,FedEx和USPS。这是4月的圣诞节。在我们等待交付的时候,我们还在准备屋顶上工作。我们不希望面板安装在我们的瓷砖顶部,所以我们取下了屋顶瓷砖。我们发现界定有水损伤。 If the local solar company contractors would have installed their system on top of the tile, we wouldn’t have known how much damage we had underneath.. Once the tiles were removed, we placed new underlayment, and installed a good 30-year shingle with all the proper flashings for a weatherproof roof. We also had our local roofer come out and reseal all the skylights, roof penetrations and other problem areas. Next, we installed the Flashfoot 2 mounts and weather tight conduit flashings. We cannot say thank you enough for the Flashfoots as they were simple to install, and provided a weather tight and sound foundation for the rail system. Then we installed of the rails, and made sure they were all level and true. This is probably the most important step! Make sure they are straight, level and tight, as it will make the rest of the process go extremely quick. It is amazing how much a simple string line can do to help make everything square, true, level and straight. Hint… Don’t skimp on the roof mounts, penetrations or the amount of sealant. Spend the time and money on it now so that you don’t have to take it off later.


提交后,我的设计批准与电力公司完美无瑕,只花了大约4天。与城市的批准过程更深入,我花了四次前往该市的规划办公室获取批准的图纸。我们支付了建筑许可证,但我们没有被告知我们需要电力许可证。因为我们正在做自动安装,除非我采取并通过了城市电气测试,否则他们无法向我们提供许可证,这将让我在自己的家中工作。我通过了,所以我们几乎是合法的。由于损坏的底层而更改,导致需要更换速度的允许。这似乎是这座城市往往越来越深入我们的口袋。支付700美元后,我们终于拥有我们需要开始实际工作的许可证。接下来的面板安装,它走得很快。我们实际上在车间上有14个小组在不到一个小时,然后在房子里有16个,其中16个,大约相同的时间。 Connections were easy and the final connections to THHN wire were in junction boxes already located in the attics. Panels were connected to the equipment in the garage through wires in ¾ inch conduits. Inverters, switches, production meter, fire department disconnect, a Generator disconnect relay, and to make it look good, we used no flex conduits. It took a bit longer, but all electrical (even in the attics) was run through ¾ inch EMT conduit that was bent to give it that professional and industrial look. EMT conduit also allows for easier pulling of wire on long runs versus flex conduit that the contractors wanted to use. This all took a bit longer, but in the end made it look and function much better. For the runs from the workshop to the house, we dug a trench, 6 inches wide 16 inches deep and put multiple runs of one-inch schedule 80 PVC conduits. We would then backfill the trench, and then lay 6 inches of concrete sidewalk over the trenched area The electric wall in the garage also had extensive work and upgrades. The drywall was removed, and some conduits were hidden in the wall with a few junction boxes for access. Plywood was hung on the wall, and it was textured and painted. Equipment was then hung on the exterior of the plywood. How many times you’ve tried to hang something on drywall only to have it sag or fall off. By using the plywood, you cannot tell any difference from the other garage walls, but you are able to mount anything anywhere and know that it is secure. The inverters, switches and conduits all looked great. We added more than the normal number of disconnects so that we can have an AC disconnect both inside and outside. We also added a DC disconnect for each string, before each inverter so that we can perform maintenance on part of the system without shutting the entire system down.


一旦一切都完成了,我们要求检查三个许可证(城市电力,城市屋顶和建筑。屋顶和建筑许可证通过了,但电气检查人员不允许安装,因为尽管接地螺钉接触良好,但断开开关接地片后面的油漆没有被拆除。不幸的是,检查员那天没能回来。但他说过,如果我们在下午三点前发给他修改的照片,他会批准并输入城市的电脑。我们最终得到了完全的认可。接下来,我们打电话给电力公司。大约5天后,他们出来安装生产仪表并启动系统。我们甚至不用回家就能看到这些。当我们回到家时,我们发现系统正在工作,它立即开始发电。更好的是,我们的计程表是倒着跑的。 Because we use SMA inverters, we have programmed them to connect to the Sunny Portal application on our phones where we can monitor the power from anywhere that we have an Internet connection. It sends daily reports to our phone at the end of each day. Our average power usage in April is 65kWh per day, and we expect more in July and August. In the beginning of this installation, and the many approvals and inspections, our Home Owners Association only gave use a conditional approval for installation. It seems like they wanted control of our project, and since it was a major project, they gave only a conditional approval because they didn’t know if we could actually do the install to their standards. We didn’t want to hurt their feelings by telling them that our standards are higher than theirs. We do understand their concern that not everyone is skilled enough to complete this monumental task. Another stipulation they had is that you can only have tile or metal roofing material in our neighborhood, and since we put shingles on the house, it wouldn’t pass their standards. To get around that, we protected our roof with the shingles, installed the solar system on top of that, and then replaced the tile right up to the edge of the panels. This way the panels are recessed in-between the tiles and no one can see the shingles. We also get some very strong winds during the year, and believe that the lower profile of the panels compared with the rise of the tiles will put less stress on the panels.




要退回一点,我们与许多具有太阳系的其他人交谈,许多人抱怨他们在面板下筑巢。想一想,一个干燥,受保护和温暖的地方,建立一个巢穴来提高杨?我们会觉得一样。然而,不想鼓励鸟类,我们通过将鸡丝安装到面板上,然后向屋顶和瓷砖下方花了一点额外的鸟类证明它们。一旦屋顶瓦片被替换,鸡丝几乎消失了,现在我们对鸟类没有担心。所有电源和地线都受到保护下方,所有电气控制都处于良好的保护车库。你在家外面看到的唯一一件事是生产仪表和一个消防部门断开连接。由于城市规定,雕刻标语牌必须放在设备上。通过PV标签在线,它们很容易使用,并且他们完成了自定义标签,应该比系统的寿命更长。虽然这是一个家庭项目,但我表演了大多数工作。 My wife, and daughters would occasionally help by helping to move and stack the panels, handing up tools, light up parts in the dark, keeping me fed, or filling up my water cup to keep me hydrated. I’m glad we did it in April, and not in July. It was warm, but July would have been a lot more uncomfortable. I also made use of a used forklift that we had purchased last year for other projects. I was grateful to have it while lifting the panels and lowering the excess roof tiles. Without the forklift, I would have seriously thought about hiring a younger helper to help me move the 9 pallets of tiles from the roofs to the ground. In summary, this all sounds like an unthinkable self install project. However, it looks great, and it was easier than you might think. The system from Unbound Solar works great. Our total cost was about $25,000 along with some sweat equity. After federal rebates of $7500, the total price out of our pocket is about $17,500.









安装月- 2017年10月

  • 系统大小:8.85 kW.
  • 每年千瓦时设计产量:15000 - 16000千瓦时
  • 联邦税收激励:符合10,000美元的美国联邦税收抵免
  • 公用事业价格:13.12美分/千瓦时

本月安装 - 2019年6月(第2部分)

  • 系统成本:$ 28,952包括安装
  • 年度系统输出:每年13,455千瓦时
  • 联邦税收激励:有资格获得美国联邦税收抵免8685美元
  • 公用事业价格:14.9美分/千瓦时

本月安装 - 2018年7月

  • 系统大小:9.45千瓦
  • 每日千瓦时输出:每天16-32千瓦夫
  • 联邦税收激励:符合7,000美元+美国联邦税收抵免的资格
  • 实用率:随着使用时间而变化